Graveside Salute - Copy

5 Suicides for every 4 Line-of-duty deaths


These are just two of the startling realities for First Responders in the Fire Service.

Champion Responders is a nonprofit organization committed to reversing these and other statistics through advocacy, preventative and responsive training, tools and services, and a calling to strengthen the men and women on the front lines for whatever lies ahead.


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Spotlight on a New CHAMPION: GracePoint Church

spotlight.compOur name Champion Responders has a double meaning. Not only are first responders, themselves, champions, but we exist to champion (protect, uphold, fight or advocate for) their needs and heroic deeds.

Today we want to introduce a champion who is partnering with us to broaden their current support of Coppell’s brave men and women in the Fire Service to include long term mental resilience.

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The Clock is Ticking on This Incredible Offer!

476318570_4b4a57b96c_b Imagine doubling your impact with no extra effort…

Here’s the Offer: A long-time friend has seeded our campaign efforts with a generous $10,000 matching offer!

Champion Responders has been primarily self-funded for a year. Steve works tirelessly to build relationships, minister to those in the fire service and victims of trauma, while also establishing Champion Responders operations, writing, training, promoting his training, and fundraising. Continue reading

I Guess This Makes it Official!

IMG_2658Welcome to the Champion Responders website! It’s been just over a year since I was asked to serve in West, Texas, after the devastating explosion at the fertilizer plant that rocked the town and the lives of its residents. 12 firefighters perished in that accident, and the time I spent with their families changed the direction of my life in a profound way. Continue reading